CareerBuilder Announces Strategic Partnership with Accurate Background for CareerBuilder Employment Screening
Accurate Background to acquire CareerBuilder Employment Screening
Accurate Background to acquire CareerBuilder Employment Screening
Accurate Background to Buy CareerBuilder Employment Screening
A Major Background Screening Acquisition Announced Today
Accurate Background to Acquire CareerBuilder Employment Screening, Broadening Reach and Accelerating Growth
Investment by the Apax Digital Fund to Support Transaction
Accurate Background’s Bon Idziak Appointed as Chair of PBSA Board of Directors for 2019-2020
Accurate Background Names New Product and Marketing Leaders to Executive Team
David Dickson and Laura Trotter bring extensive operational and technology expertise to background screening leader.
Accurate Background & AvatarFleet’s A-Suite Recruiting Software
The integrated solution provides a seamless background check experience for DOT regulated customers.

Company Overview

Tim Dowd Headshot
Accurate Logo

Ready for a better background screening experience?
Tell us what you need. We’ll show you how it can happen.
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